Mountain Song

After camping for a few nights, on Friday we headed up to a hut outside of Winthrop to meet a group of great friends. Most folks were going mountain biking. Since i am more of a lay-on-the-earth and soak in the sun kind of gal, I stayed around the hut and absorbed some great grounding mountain energy while cloud watching, contemplating and catching up with a few other mellow mystic friends.
Here was the view from the hut:

The combination of great friends, delicious food (freshly gathered morels!!!) and amazing beauty of the mountains was healing and energizing. I left the happy hut feeling refreshed and renewed. Here’s another pic of the view:

And here is a picture of a river in the area:


3 thoughts on “Mountain Song

  1. Great set of pictures you got here. I wish i was there! haha.

  2. Thank you! It is a really beautiful spot.

  3. Wow love the top image! Stunning! Beautiful colours and scenery…

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